Specifications — NIRONE Sensor

Spectral Engines high performance NIRONE Sensor for near-infrared wavelengths is a compact and robust tool for your NIR spectroscopic applications. These sensors are PCB mountable with a single connector for power and communication and two screws to fasten the sensor on the application board. Two integrated light sources allow easy implementation of different optical configurations. NIRONE Sensor provides an additional trigger signal that can be used to control a separate light source on your application board.

Technical Specifications

The table below contains technical specifications for NIRONE Sensor.

Table 1. NIRONE Sensor Technical Specifications

Wavelength range

1.10 – 1.35 µm (NIRONE S1.4)

1.35 – 1.65 µm (NIRONE S1.7)

1.55 – 1.95 µm (NIRONE S2.0)

1.75 – 2.15 µm (NIRONE S2.2)

2.00 – 2.45 µm (NIRONE S2.5)

Wavelength resolution (typical, FWHM)

12 – 16 nm (S1.4) 1

13 – 17 nm (S1.7) 1

15 – 21 nm (S2.0) 1

16 – 22 nm (S2.2) 1

18 – 28 nm (S2.5) 1

Detector type

Single element InGaAs (S1.4)

Single element extended InGaAs (from S1.7 to S2.5)

Illumination source

Two tungsten vacuum lamps

Lamp lifetime

> 40,000 hrs 2

Wavelength points

Minimum step 0.1 nm, up to 512 in total

Wavelength switching time

1 ms

SNR (typical, w/o averaging)

> 15’000 (NIRONE 1.4) 3

> 11’000 (NIRONE 1.7) 3

> 7’500 (NIRONE 2.0 and 2.2) 3

> 1’500 (NIRONE 2.5) 3

Wavelength temperature response (max.)

0.1 nm/°C

Operation temperature range

+10 °C..+50 °C (non-condensing)

Power consumption

< 1.1 W (peak)

< 300 mW (nominal)

Optical Interface

Micro reflection optics


Electrical interface

Supply voltage 5 V

UART (3.3 V)

I2C (3.3 V)

Digital trig in/out (3.3 V)

Mechanical interface

Mountable on PCB. Two M2 screws and PCB connector. PCB area of 25 x 25 mm2 needed.

Size (W x L x H)

25 x 25 x 17.5 mm


15 g

Product Parts

The NIRONE Sensor product parts are depicted in the figure below:

Figure 1. Product Parts
Product Parts

The parts are:

  1. Sensor optics

  2. Sensor

1 With an SMA-adapter and a fiber with 400 um core and 0.22 NA.
2 Specified by lamp manufacturer for ideal laboratory conditions. Lifetime may shorten as a result of shock, vibration, and extreme temperatures. Lifetime can be extended by using a lower than 100 % drive level.
3 With external illumination and signal level of 75% of the maximum range.